Tim started his career in the Australian Defence Force as a Paramedic and has a diverse career that spans numerous fields and industries. He has 20 years’ experience in health, safety, environment, paramedicine, tenement management, auditing, compliance and system development. He has applied these in both the Public and Private sectors, at home in Australian and abroad. 

He has both consultancy and managerial experience in land titles, mining and exploration, oil and gas and civil construction. Tim completed a Bachelor of Law at Charles Darwin University and has a post graduate qualification in Work Health and Safety. He plans to focus his energy on Work Health and Safety Law, Employment Law and Criminal Law of which he has a passion. 

His goal is to use his practical knowledge and experience across different industries and jurisdictions to offer a diverse and professional legal service that is practical and unique. Along with his family Tim loves the Queensland lifestyle, climate and outdoor activities.

TIM HUTCHINS LLB, GradDiP OHS, Dip Paramedicine Director
LLB, GradDip OHS, Dip Paramedicine