Unfortunately, sometimes parties to a dispute cannot reach an agreement and it comes to a point where we must ask the court to intervene and adjudicate. Our main purpose here is to act for your best interest. We will exhaust all possible opportunities to reach the most desirable cost-effective resolution before we seek court orders. We will represent you, assist you, negotiate for you and facilitate mediation on your behalf.

In civil litigation, our whole purpose is to apply the law to individual disputes in a manner which is fair, economical and time effective. To achieve this, thorough preparation of your case, extensive knowledge of the court rules and understanding of the whole court process is crucial so that we can conduct the most cost-effective case management for you and achieve the desired outcome. Most claims can settle before or after the commencement of court proceeding. It is important to pursue opportunities to settle at every stage. We will advise you of the progress at every stage of the court preceding’s, explain the options to you clearly and in simple English, the risks, the costs involved so that you can make an informed and calculated decision.

We undertake a broad range of civil litigation, and we specialise in:
1. Contract disputes;
2. Debt recovery;
3. Defamation claims;
4. Family provisions claims;
5. Trust and equity.

The court rules impose obligations to parties at the proceeding to use every reasonable endeavour to resolve a dispute by agreement. Litigation can settle by court order, by mediation or during a stage in court proceeding, that is why in civil litigation it is very important to know your options and weigh up your risks. For Civil Litagation we offer a 30-minute free initial telephone assessment of your case. Click here to book an appointment.